Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Okay, Time to Get Back on the (Blogging) Horse

It's been a while... and for no real good reason.  Here is the "status" that I posted on Facebook this afternoon:

I've made a couple of observations this afternoon. 1). I constantly (and have always constantly) compared myself to others. This is something I need to work on (TOTALLY need to work on) because we are all unique and comparison REALLY is NOT necessary. 2). I am going to start keeping up blogging again. I really let it go because of time constraints and with the business of life, I thought it was something that I could sort of eliminate and no one would miss it, but today I realized that *I* love blogs! Photographer blogs especially, but really all kinds of blogs. I could probably waste a day just reading blogs-- so why don't I keep up with mine? Doesn't make much sense. Today I wanted/needed to find out some information about another photographer with whom I may end up collaborating on a project. Their "about me" section on their website really told me nothing about THEM, just what kind of gear they use and their professional view/take on weddings... so I wandered over to their blog to see if I could find any clues about personality there and I found a few pictures in each post with one or two sentences about where the wedding took place... and maybe what the weather was like that day. I have to be honest, it frustrated me a little bit. If I am going to work with someone, I WANT to know a little about them. The same goes for all of you-- if you are thinking about working with me, I WANT you to know a little about me-- not just the gear that I use, but the fact that I'm quirky, hate to cook, and love to play board games. Bottom line is that if everyone doesn't have Facebook and wanted to get to know me, my blog should be there not only to showcase some of my work, but to also showcase some of my personality. Now, I hope you awesome people will keep me accountable for starting up/ keeping up my blog again! Sorry for the novel-- these things were just really at the forefront of my mind. Time to get back to answering emails and editing!
So, here I am trying to get back on the blogging horse.  I think it really is imperative for the most successful photographers to keep up with their blogging and although, yes, it is ONE MORE THING to do in the life of a photographer, I am now realizing just how important that one thing is.  I want my clients to know ME.  The more they know about me and my quirks, the more comfortable they will feel around me--- and isn't that one of my primary goals?
I've also grown a ton both as a photographer and as a human being since I ceased writing in this blog.  I think now, more than ever, I can write in a way that can give you true insight into both my professional work, and my personal life and personality.
I don't even know where to start? Since moving to Peabody from Woburn about a year and a half ago, I've not only made wonderful new friends and met awesome new clients, but I've also found some beautiful new spaces!  I now have a wonderfully long list of places that I love to shoot in the cities and towns around Peabody.  I'll leave it at this today, but check out some of my recent faves-- all in recently found gorgeous locations near my "new" home!

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