Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Top 10 of 2010!

Well, the year is just about over and I think I am officially finished with all 2010 sessions. It's time to do my first ever annual top 10 of the year. I've grown quite a bit as a photographer in 2010. 2010 has been good to me and good to my business. I definitely want to take the time here to thank everyone who has been a part of my success this year. I am looking forward to continued success in 2011!

It's not surprising then, then most of my favorites do come from the second half of the year. I feel like once Spring got here and I was shooting more and practicing more, I grew leaps and bounds as a photographer.

I also want to add that, at any given time (depending on my mood) my picks may change, or re-arrange, but here is the gist. I hope that these clients are even HALF as in love with these images as I am!

Without further ado, my top 10 client images of 2010



Wow, that was so hard to choose. I should make an honorable mention category. I would definitely have at least a handful in there!