Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Christmas Giveaway 2011

One of my business goals for 2012 is to align myself with a local charity. I have always considered myself as somewhat of a charitable person. I believe strongly in random acts of kindness as well as paying it forward. I do these things whenever I get the chance and I truly do believe that belief in those small (or large) things has helped propel my business in the positive direction it has gone in and I couldn't be more thankful. You reap what you sew, right? Well, I think so.

It's no secret that Christmas is one of my favorite times of year. The season of giving. Jesus is a personal hero of mine and I believe if we were all even a BIT more like him, this world would be a far better place.

Since my business is still in it's growing stage (a mere 2 years, 2 months old) I don't have a ton to give, but I do want to give SOMETHING. Something small to me might be something HUGE to someone else. It's all about perception and relevance. With that said, I'd like you to think about someone in your life that you think needs a little extra help this Christmas. Maybe it's your sister and she can't afford to get her children more than a couple of small toys this Christmas, or maybe it's your great Aunt who is having trouble paying for her heating bill. Who do you know that could use an extra $100? As I said, I know it's not much, but I promise you, as you all continue to help my business grow, my generosity will also grow and I will be able to give more back.

When you choose to use KBP for your family photos/ wedding photos (etc). you can be assured that you are choosing a photographer who not only goes above and beyond for you personally, but who also works behind the scenes going beyond for those less fortunate.

My Father-in-law, who has helped out my family more than once has a simple motto: "you do what you can." I liked it so much, I adopted it as my own motto.

So, just email me (kara@karabakerphotography.com) about someone (other than yourself) who you think could use a little help this Christmas Season. Picking a 'winner' is going to be the hardest thing ever-- I'll probably end up using a random number generator because how can *I* choose who is more deserving than someone else? I will accept emails/entries through Sunday and will announce the 'winner' on Monday, December 12th and a check will be mailed out post haste.

All I ask in return is to keep spreading my name and my brand. Refer me to your friends and family. I have been so blessed thus far with referrals and positive feedback from all of my clients. Facebook is a great way to do that. Feel free to spread this on Facebook, post on walls of those you know who might benefit.

I love you all and I hope to help make a difference in someone's Christmas this year. Thank you for helping me helping someone else this Christmas!

Wishing Everyone A Healthy & Happy Holiday Season Filled with Peace,

Kara Baker

1 comment:

  1. Great blog,Kara, I am so proud of you! Keep on keepin on :-)You go girl!
