Sunday, October 3, 2010

KBP's Kick Off to Christmas- Giveaway Day 9!

We're almost there, folks. On to Day 9! And to me, this is a very, very special giveaway.

My mother wanted to contribute something to my giveaway and she is one of the most crafty people I know. I've been after her to start her own Etsy store because I know she could make some spending money for herself, but with a full time job, and a full time grandson ---- ;)------ she just doesn't have the time to commit.

Up for the winning today is a hand sewn, fleece hat and mittens set. I have to tell you, she made Eliot a couple of sets last year for Winter and I have never gotten more compliments or comments on ANYTHING in my life! People LOVE these hats! (And with good reason-- they are simply adorable!). These hats are "toddler' size and fit heads approximately 18-36 months.

^^I never claimed to be a product photographer ^^

Despite some technical flaws, the above photos is still one of my absolute favorites of Eliot. It is proudly displayed on our walls at home (flaws and all).

Because my mom does not have a Facebook page, you cannot "like" her page or her work. To win this set, share the Kara Baker Photography page that features this blog post and then leave us a comment telling us you've done so. If you have already shared one of our giveaway posts, just tell us that you've already shared and that will be good for an entry to win.


Because I want lots of entries for this one simply "LIKE" the actual Facebook post that features this blog link and I will enter your name into the drawing. It couldn't be ANY easier and involve any less effort!

This will put a small kink in the way that I draw winners as entries will not have clear numbers associated with them so when I go to my random number generator tomorrow morning, I will count all the comments about sharing as entries first and then will go back through all the "likes" and count those second.

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO LEAVE A SECOND COMMENT TELLING ME YOU'VE LIKED THE POST! I will go through all the comments and delete any "liked" comments so that that person does not get 3 entries!

Despite it being Sunday, let's get lots of entries today!!

Official rules & policies HERE