Monday, October 4, 2010

KBP's Kick Off to Christmas- Giveaway Day 10!

Well, folks, we've made it! Today is our last day of giveaways and I am very happy at the outcome of this event. We've had a lot of participation and a lot of happy winners!

So what would 10 days of giveaways be without the host herself offering something up??

Today, someone could win:

*A 45min- 1 hour half photo session by Kara Baker Photography at location of winner's choice*** (up to 5 people. A $10 fee per person over 5 will be applied.
*A password protected online gallery of at least 10 original images to share your photos with all your friends & family and on social networking sites!
*A disc with at least 10 original photos from your session and a print release that allows you to print your photos anywhere you'd like
*25% all prints purchased through KBP

****Newborn sessions not included

See KBP's Travel Fee policy HERE (Listed under additional fees & info)

Since you already "like" the Kara Baker Photography page, we will do this giveaway the same way that we did yesterday's; for one entry, leave a comment that you've shared our post on your own Facebook page (and which day you did so if you've already shared during this giveaway) and for the second entry, simply "like" the post about Giveaway Day 10 on the KBP FACEBOOK PAGE!

Good luck to everyone participating! Of course I am most excited about this giveaway so let's get lots of participation!



  1. Make sure to comment on the KBP Facebook page for an official entry to win!

  2. perfect xmas gift for my daughter

  3. I live too far to actually win, but wanted to share anyway!:)
