Baby "B" was actually my first newborn model :) At 12 days old, she was a little older than the pros tend to recommend for newborn photography. Typically, you want to try to set up a newborn shoot in the first 10 days of the baby's life to ensure the sleepiest of babies (because, of course, some of the best newborn photos are of sleeping babies!) and also because the baby acne tends to kick in a little bit after day 10. We didn't have any problem with the acne, however, baby "B" did not want to sleep for me! I had big dreams of capturing those adorable sleepy newborn photos: baby holding head up, baby asleep on stack of towels, baby asleep in basket, etc.
It had been a while since I actually worked with a newborn- since my own, really, 18 months ago. I forgot how strong willed they could be! My goal was for froggy-legged poses, but "B" wanted those legs stretchhhed out! All in all, we did manage to capture a few cute ones. Thanks for looking!